Sunday, January 24, 2010

What a winter first the Flood around the Hotel, next came the frost and freezing temperatures followed by the snow. It was tough for travelling but it was a spectacular winter with Alpine snow in Killarney. Stories of people skiing on the Reeks, Bobsleighs, Ice Climbing and our excitement Ice Skating on the Lake. It was 5 inched thick and only 3 foot deep and very safe and well supervised by myself. I had a Life float on a rope and a Sledge hammer to break any Ice if required. That said the fun had by all was something else. We think the last time anyone was ice Skating on the Lake was back in the 1960's.

Over 20 of us were skating for over 2.5 hours, where did we get the Skates ? from Killarney on Ice of Course and thanks to Timmy for the Skates.

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